Multi Users of Talkeetna Trails

We are MUTTs
MUTT is a collection of non-motorized outdoor enthusiasts who use the trails and water ways in and around the Talkeetna Area, Alaska. We walk, run, kick, ski, skate, mush, bike, swim, paddle and love our dogs.
We will give voice and promote sustainable trail access for all users and their dogs.
We have identified 3 key values; Respect, Inclusiveness, and Cooperation, and we will endeavor to:
1. Organize events for multi users
2. Engage multi users in our trails planning
3. Give multi users a voice
4. Promote outdoor recreation with canines
5. Inform, educate and outreach.
Events will range from skijor clinics, gear swaps, trap safety classes, kick sled events, multi sport races and anything else we come up with. Dogs will be welcome to most of our events and events are open for a large variety in skill level. We are operating in summer and winter.
If you like to organize an outdoor / trail event in the Talkeetna area and need a platform to promote and setup registration, let us know and we will help you out.
Contact us at
Iris Vandenham – President
Ruth Wood – Treasurer
Bobby Jo Van Sickle – Secretary
Anja Radano – Trails
Corinne Marzullo – Events
A big thanks to our Grant Givers and Sponsors

Multi Users of Talkeetna Trails
Talkeetna, AK
non-profit 501(c)(3)
EIN: 86-3924445